Mailbox: “Zoe”

Daniel from Mexico wrote a few days ago:

i have just encoutered your page, while looking for info on the word ZOE. can you tell me if there is any “meaning” beyond its greek meaning. my concern is that i also am a conservative (probably not as strong as you) christian who wants to make sure there are no hidden meanings in this “theology.”

by the way, mi name is david and i live in Mexico.

First of all, I apologize for not getting back to this sooner. David’s message got stuck in my spam folder and I didn’t see it until now. Also, I tried just replying to David’s message, but it was returned to me. In hopes that he ventures back, I am responding here.

My Greek is very elementary. I don’t know it very well, but named my blog “Echo Zoe” because I thought it was cool based on what little I do know.

My understanding is that “Zoe” means life in the ultimate sense, as God has it and as He gives it to us through His Son Jesus. I got the definition from Strong’s Concordance, which gives dictionary-like definitions (it’s number 2222 in the New Testament).

I have had a few people who know Greek much better than I do email me about the blog title. No one has said that my definition is wrong. All they have said is that it is in the wrong form. I used the Nominative, but the Accusative is more appropriate. It should be rendered Zoen in the context that I use it.

I hope this helps.