Support Echo Zoe

Echo Zoe Ministries greatly appreciates the support we receive from listeners, readers, and supporters. If you wish to support this ministry, there are several ways you can do so: spiritually, effectively, and financially.

Pray for Echo Zoe!

Things generally run smoothly here, but that’s no reason not to pray. Please pray that the Lord be glorified through this ministry, as that is our primary purpose.

Get the word out!

A growing audience helps a lot. Most of the more nationally and internationally known people that we’ve approached to request interviews for the podcast have been very cordial, and tend to be open to being guests on the show. However, the more exposure the show gets, the more likely potential guests who have reservations will be receptive to being on the show.

Write A Review on iTunes

Writing a review of Echo Zoe Radio on iTunes helps rankings. The more good reviews a podcast gets, the higher it goes in the rankings. In turn, it raises the exposure, which makes it easier for people not specifically looking for Echo Zoe Radio to find it and check it out.

Purchase Something From the Echo Zoe Store

The Echo Zoe Store has a several items available. Among them are “Jerusalem’s King,” a film that Echo Zoe Ministries helped to produce, as well as ebooks written by former guests and friends of the ministry.

Use Our Affiliate Links

By using our affiliate links, you can purchase products and/or services at online retailers at the same price that you are used to, while at the same time crediting Echo Zoe with a commission on your purchase.

  • Echo Zoe Ministries

Donations are the financial life blood of any non-profit organization. Echo Zoe Ministries is a recognized 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible. We have several options available for donations, and will be adding more in the future to make donating more convenient for you.

  • Credit Card/Paypal – The easiest way to donate is via Paypal. ***A Paypal account is not necessary.*** (Just click the Donate button below)
    While not required, please be sure to include your address so that we can send you a tax receipt for your donation.

  • Mail – If you wish to donate by check, please make it out to “Echo Zoe Ministries.” You can mail your check to:
    • Echo Zoe Ministries
      PO BOX 46351
      Minneapolis MN 55446-0351
  • Purchase a Gift for Echo Zoe Ministries

    Echo Zoe currently maintains a wishlist at that contains items that would be used directly for the Ministry and Podcast. If you prefer to buy items for the ministry directly, these are the items that are needed the most. If you chose to do so, we would like to send you a tax receipt for the value of goods purchased. Please contact us for such a receipt.

    We very much appreciate your support. It is truly a blessing and an honor to serve the Lord through this ministry.

    Thank you, and God Bless!