έχω ζωη Changes

I just wanted to fill my dear readers in on a change in the works. I am moving this blog over to a new address. While the current address, www.echozoe.blogdns.com will still work for a little while, the new address www.echozoe.org is where I am permanently moving my blog to. It is already up and working. If you have this site bookmarked or blogrolled, or you read it via RSS, please make the proper updates.

I will leave the old address in tact for a while. However, I will be creating a redirect in a few weeks, and will be taking it down completely by the end of the year.

I just changed it over a couple hours ago, and the DNS entries may not have fully propogated through the internet yet, so if it is not working for you yet, try again in a day or two.

I am pretty excited to have this up and running properly now. I bought the domain some time ago, but haven’t been able to use it correctly until now. With my own full domain name, I will be free to move my blog to another server if I choose. I may in the near future. A friend of mine is currently assisting me with the routing of the domain through his server. The idea is that I can move to his server once I am confident that doing so would be seemless, and hopefully completely invisible to you, my reader.

Now, if I only had time to write more!

(That ugly code at the top of the page is there for the change to show up in the TTLB Ecosystem. As soon as I see that the change is effective, that code will disappear)