
About a month ago one of my favorite ministries, Living Waters, had close to 8,500 gospel tracts seized by the Secret Service because they were made to resemble a million dollar bill (which does not exist in genuine form).

I got my hands on a few of these tracts recently at a church outreach that I volunteered to help with. They are fabulous tracts, and are perhaps the easist tracts in the world to give out. Here is a scan of the front and back:



Now, they do look very real (besides the gospel message written around the outside edge of the back), but how do you counterfeit something that isn’t real?

Also, where is the equal treatment? This isn’t the only “Million dollar bill” in existence. It isn’t even the only one that looks realistic. When running to the local hardware store to get some nails, I saw that they were selling their own novelty million dollar bills. They were made in the older style of bills, but are quite realistic none-the-less. See for yourself:



Does this not only violate the first amendment rights of Living Waters to Free Speech and Freedom of Religion, but also their 14th amendment rights to due process and equal protection?

Someone at the church outreach opined that had Living Waters’ bills been a coupon for a free beer at a local bar rather than a Gospel tract, there would have been no issue at all. I have a strong feeling he was right.