You Can’t Tame a Lion

I really like, and respect, Dennis Prager. I listen to his radio show almost daily, and find it far more beneficial to listen to than Rush Limbaugh, on at the same time. However, I think he is off on this article. Dennis, a Jew, is very friendly towards Christians and Christianity, to the point that sometimes I suspect (and hope) that he’s secretly a Christian. In this light, I am not surprised that he paints Christians in a positive light, and rightly points out that Christians don’t make for good suicide bombers, but where he goes wrong is in his evaluation on Islam. He seems to argue that Islam needs to follow the lead of Christianity and move past it’s violent history. I agree with that, but it won’t happen. Christianity is a faith that is defined by peace, with a history that at times went against it’s peaceful roots. Islam, on the other hand, is a violent religion that has history of occasionally going against it’s tenets and being peaceful. While Christianity hinges on free will, Islam is all about submission. God created us to love Him, and you can’t love unless you have the choice to not love. Allah says to love him or die. What leads me to believe that my suspicions about Dennis are incorrect is that anyone who really knows Jesus Christ knows that there will never be peace in Israel, or in the world as a whole until Jesus returns to set up his kingdom. The idea that Muslims can get over their violence and live in peace is a utopian pipe-dream.

I did like his point about how Spain was supposed to be free from Islamic terror now since they caved into it and voted in a pacifist majority. If the world didn’t hate Israel too much to see what’s going on there, they’d know that the only way to deal with fanatical Islamofascist terror is with quick and decisive force. I say they should take it all a step further. Muslims are not afraid to die because they believe that’s the only guaranteed way to heaven. Heaven, by definition, is better than life here on Earth, so why not die for it? Threatening to kill them for killing us won’t stop them for a minute. What needs to be done is to circumvent their trip to “heaven” by using their own beliefs to show they are going to hell, not heaven. I once heard a story (and it may just be a story) that an American General stationed in the Philippines in the mid 19th century dealt with Muslim terrorism by executing the terrorists by shooting them with bullets that had soaked in pig’s blood. Then he had them buried with the pig that gave up the blood for the bullet. Apparently, being killed and buried with an unclean animal (and a pig is the most unclean of all animals according to Islam), guaranteed that the person would spend eternity in hell. This act, according to the story, virtually eliminated Islamic terror in the Philippines for the next 50 years. If true, there’s the answer to the terror problem. Our culture is too politically correct to do it though. We will kill them because it’s necessary to do so for our own survival, but once they’re dead, we insist on abiding by their culture and respecting their dead. No society ever survived by respecting their enemies. I say if they continue to kill our innocents, we should dump planeloads of rotten pig entrails on Mecca.