Mourning Falwell

I didn’t comment yesterday on the death of Jerry Falwell because honestly I don’t know much about him. He had a lot of enemies, and has a lot of people that are happy to hear of his death. However, I never heard him say anything I disagreed with.

The only thing I knew about him was that he sued Larry Flynt for including a disgusting cartoon of him in his smut-filled magazine. I got to know the case during a high school research project on speech.

In the day since his death, Those whom I respect have had nothing bad to say of him. His life was dedicated to Biblical values, and he did more to unite Conservative Christians politically than anyone else I am aware of.

Mr. Falwell, “to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” – Philippians 1:21. You are now where every Christian wishes to be. We thank you for your contribution to our culture, and will see you again soon!