Mark Huffman: Ukrainian Missions

In this, episode two of Echo Zoe Radio, I interview Mark Huffman of International Messengers. Mark is a full-time missionary from central Minnesota working in Odessa, Ukraine; a major port city of Ukraine located on the north shore of the Black Sea.

Because I very greatly respect and admire my Christian brothers and sisters who sacrifice everything they have at home to go overseas and spread the Gospel, Mark was at the top of my list of people to invite onto the podcast.

Mark and I talked about his experiences in Ukraine as a missionary, as well as Ukrainian culture and life in a former Soviet satellite after communism.

For more about Mark, you can visit his website, Huffman News. You can also email him at Mark at HuffmanNews dot Com. He would be happy to add you to his newsletter. In addition, you can visit the website of International Messengers, the organization that sponsors Mark's ministry in Ukraine. I encourage you to pray for him, his family, and his ministry – and if you can afford it, join Mark for a week or two to do some short-term missions work with him.

*Just a note, this interview was conducted differently than my previous one with Pastor Bob DeWaay, rather than being across the table from me, Mark and I talked via internet phone. As a result, all of the things that I learned about the technological side of doing a podcast in the first episode were out the window and I had to start from scratch. This interview was recorded with Asterisk, a voice-over-internet telephone system that I run my home phones through. The result was less than ideal, as the sound quality could have been much better. Some of this is Asterisk, but most of it was the internet connection between us. Consequently, the audio quality leaves much to be desired. In addition, there was about a 1-2 second delay between us. Some post-interview editing makes this somewhat less aparent, but at times you will notice it.
