Worse than Animals

I’ve seen the video of American Nick Berg being slaughtered by terrorists that hit the news yesterday. These people are so vile, so evil, that to call them animals is an injustice to animals. I think it is important for Americans to see the video. Unless it’s seen, we tend to downplay the severity of it. Americans have no idea what kind of evil exists in this world. We live in such relative peace and safety that this kind of act is unimaginable to most people.

I think it is absolutely disgusting that there is no outrage over this (just like there was no outrage when the same thing happened to Daniel Pearl last summer) from the Left. They get their panties in a bunch over a few naked Iraqis being mistreated in a Baghdad prison, but a man being brutally and unmercifully murdered is received with dead silence. I have no respect for the Left in this country and in Europe at all.

If you have the nerve to see the video, I encourage you to watch it. If you don’t have the nerve, please understand that evil is very real, and these people would love to do this to every last American, European, or Israeli on Earth. They don’t care that you want peace with them, they want you to either convert to Islam and submit to them, or they want you DEAD.

You can download it here.