Heinous Murder

From: Living Waters.com

Mother Hires Killer to

Houston, TX Recently, a mother paid a man to kill her young boy, who was hacked to death with a sharp instrument, cutting off his right arm and severing his head. The woman, who was unrepentant, said it was her “right” to do so because the child was interfering with the quality of her lifestyle. The counsel for the prosecution submitted grisly photos of the corpse and said, “No mother has the right to take her child’s life,” and charged the woman with murder.

Of course, the killing of children isn’t news in the U.S. where over 25,000,000 babies have been murdered in the name of “freedom of choice.” This gruesome picture of a seven month boy, whose right arm and head were ripped from his body by an abortionist in Houston on December 8, 1989, shows that this is not just a “fetus” or the “woman’s body.” If you are not shocked by it, then be warned that, even though the law of America gives you the right to take the life of another through abortion, God’s Law says, “You shall not kill.”

Perhaps you have never had an abortion, but did you know that the mere desire to kill someone violates His Law? The Bible says if you hate someone, you have committed murder in your heart. In fact, the greatest of all the Commandments is to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself.”

When someone asked what that meant, Jesus gave the story of the what we generally call “The Good Samaritan.” This Samaritan found a man beaten by thieves. he bathed his wounds, put him on his donkey, took him to an inn and asked that the man be looked after. He also said, if he spent anything, he would repay the innkeeper when he returned. Actually, this “good” Samaritan isn’t called good in the story, as he merely did the basic requirements of God’s Law in loving his neighbor, as much as he loved himself.

The fact is, we are all guilty of breaking this, the greatest of all the Commandments. Our selfish nature often has trouble tolerating others, let alone loving them as much as we love ourselves. Listen to the voice of your conscience, and let it remind you of some of the sins of the past. We are not perfect as the Bible commands us to be (Matthew 5:48), neither is our heart pure. On Judgment Day our transgressions will be evidence of our shame.

Think of it: God has seen every sin we ever committed, whether it was the taking of another’s life, or wishing we could do so, by harboring hatred in our hearts. We share our thought-life with Him. We are guilty of violating His Law a multitude of times yet if we repent, God can forgive us because Jesus stepped into the courtroom 2,000 years ago and paid the fine for us.

His death on the cross satisfied the Law we so blatantly transgressed, and at the same time demonstrated how much God loves us — “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” His shed blood on the cross can make you clean in the sight of a holy God . . . as though you had never sinned — even if you have committed murder. Moses, King David, and the Apostle Paul committed murder, and God’s grace was sufficient for them.

God doesn’t want you to go to Hell — repent and put your trust in Jesus, make Psalm 51 your prayer, then read the Bible daily and always obey what you read; God will never let you down.