Tuesday’s Thoughts

Today was a great day for life. First, the Legistlature passed the ban on Partial Birth Abortions, which President Bush promised that he’d sign. Then later in the day, the Florida legislature passed a bill allowing Governor Jeb Bush to intervene in the starving/murder of Terri Schiavo, a woman whom her husband wants to die because she has been “in a persistent vegitative state” for over a decade. It’s amazing to see God work when millions of Christians all get together and pray for a common goal. After the bill was passed and signed into law, another hurdle came up. The same judge that ordered the feeding tube removed ruled that the husband’s lawsuit needed to be refiled when he and his lawyers attempted to get an injuction stopping the replacement of the feeding tube while they argue that the new law is unconstitutional. Praise God!!!!

On another note, I really had to work hard today at taking my time. I have been working part time at the Post Office for over a month now. They rate each rural route according to the length of time it should take to deliver in an average day. The route I’m on is rated at 7.5 hours. The way they pay is that if you work less than 40 hours in a week, they pay according to the rated hours, not the hours actually worked, so if you work for 9.5 hours/day for 4 days, that’s 38 hours. They pay you as if you worked 30 hours (7.5 x 4). Say you got the job done in 5 hours, they do the same, 7.5 x the number of days worked. Once you hit 40 hours in a week, though, they pay you the actual time worked, with any overtime. This week I work 4 days, and it usually takes me 9-11 hours to do the route. The goal is to do the route in 10 hours each day and no less. If I don’t make it to 40 hours, I only get paid for 30 (and after 2 days, I’m up to 20 already). I could have done the route in between 8.5 and 9 hours today though. I had to drag my feet to avoid getting the shaft on any hours I work after the first 30 between last Saturday and this coming Friday.

I am very much hoping to get a full-time job, preferably in architecture. I’m coming up on a year since getting laid off from my last architecture job. This Post Office job is such that I can turn down work anytime I want EXCEPT Saturdays. I didn’t think that would be so badjavascript:editPlacements(), and actually thought it would be nice because it would allow me to keep the job after getting another job that’s full-time. I thought it gave me a lot of freedom. What I didn’t forsee is not only losing my Saturdays, but also losing my Friday nights. My alarm goes off at about 5:30 in the morning, and I’ve always needed 8-9 hours of sleep at night to function the next morning. This makes it hard to do anything when I need to get to bed by 9:00 +/-. I like to go to Street Level on Friday nights, but can’t if I have to work in the morning. I’m also usually way too tired after working on Saturday to go Saturday nights.