Dictator for a Day

Cruising through Flannel Avenger’s Blog, I cam across a recent post on what he’d do if he became President. It’s a response to a “Contest” at the Rebel Yell.

I’ll take it a step further and say if I were Dictator for a day, here’s what I’d do, much of it is similar to the Flannel Avenger. If I were Dictator for a Day, it would take decades to “fix” all of my changes.

  1. I’d dissolve the Federal Reserve, return the power to coin money to the U.S. Treasury where it belongs, return us to the Gold Standard, and end Fractional Reserve Banking
  2. I’d end all government programs not specifically mentioned or authorized by the Constitution. This includes all forms of welfare. The Departments of Social Security, Health & Human Services, and Education, The EPA, DEA, ATF, FEMA, The CIA, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, HUD, and the IRS would be the first government agencies to be disbanded. I wouldn’t stop with them though.
  3. I’d repeal the 16th Amendment and get rid of the income tax. For the few government functions left after I cleaned house that needed to be funded, I’d return to tariffs and sales taxes, properly apportioned among the states
  4. I’d force the Bible back into the schools, allow prayer, and make reading and understanding the Constitution mandatory
  5. I’d call for imprisonment for life of all Federal Officials that attempt to deviate from the Constitution in the slightest
  6. I’d repeal the 17th, 23rd, & 26th Amendments
  7. I’d limit voting to land owners, as it was in the early days of the Republic
  8. I’d end all foreign aid, with the possible exception of Israel, in which case aid would be ONLY for military funding
  9. I’d bring all troops home from anywhere in the world that there is not an open declaration of war. I’d place them on the southern border
  10. I’d give all illegal aliens a week to leave. Those who stay risk being hanged
  11. I’d pull out of all multi-national organizations that in any way attempt to usurp our sovereignty. This includes, but is not limited to: The UN, NATO, the WTO, The World Bank, & NAFTA.
  12. I’d declare all treaties that limit American Sovereignty or it’s right to National Defense null and void
  13. I’d drill for every last drop of oil in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, the coast of California, or anywhere else it can be found in American territories, and allow for unrestricted development of Nuclear power to eliminate our dependence on foreign energy sources and I’d tell the Arabs to drink their oil
  14. I’d sell all Federal lands taken since World War II. All National Parks, Monuments, Grasslands, Forests, etc. would be sold to the highest bidder. If the Sierra Club wants them, they better start bidding
  15. I’d dissolve NASA and sell the equipment to the highest bidder
  16. I’d end all forms of racism, including Affirmative Action
  17. I’d restore all laws against Sodomy. If Adam and Steve want to get it on, they better try not to get caught and not expect me to pay their healthcare bills when you give each other AIDS.
  18. I’d end all gun laws, including the ban on fully automatic weapons
  19. Anyone caught aiding our enemies in a time of war in either word or deed would be publicly hung for treason. Anyone caught transferring intelligence of our military strategies or weapons systems would also be summarily executed
  20. I’d make English the official language of the U.S. and forbid publishing any government documents including driver’s license applications in any language but English.
  21. I’d require any private agency sponsoring the immigration of legal aliens to prove they can provide for that alien until that alien can provide for himself.
  22. I’d end all laws that infringe on the right to self-defense and the right to private property, including local zoning laws.
  23. Gas taxes would be used only for roads, and all public transportation would be fiscally self-sufficient. Both would be governed solely by the states.

That’s far more than the ten called for, and I’m just getting started. I’ll leave it at that for now though.