Bob DeWaay: The Priesthood of Every Believer

Bob DeWaay returns in-studio. Bob is the theologian-in-chief and a regular preacher at Gospel of Grace Fellowship church in St. Louis Park Minnesota. He has also written scores of articles for Critical Issues Commentary, his online ministry, which is available at He’s back this month to talk about a topic he’s been very vocal about as long as I can remember, and one I am unsure how we’ve missed in the nearly 14 years he’s been coming in to do shows with me: The Priesthood of Every Believer.

Outline of the Discussion
  • Martin Luther reminded the church that every believer can engage in the activities of the priesthood, and did so in a day when Rome was abusively ruling over the people through the priesthood of their clergy.
  • Seven functions of priests that Rome claimed for themselves, which the Bible gives to every believer are: The ministry of the Word of God, baptism, administering communion, binding & loosing, offering sacrifice, praying for others, and judging doctrines.
  • Scripture misinterpreted is not binding. The author, not the reader, determines the meaning.
  • We offer a sacrifice of praise. The sacrifice of the eucharist is not valid.
  • We don’t need a “holy man” to pray for us. We can pray for each other.
  • Those born of God constitute the Church.
  • The ministry of the Word of God is the preaching of His Word. It is the most essential matter.
  • Prophecy, as understood by the Reformers, is bringing forth valid implications and applications of the scriptures.
  • Even Rome said that (in an “emergency”) anyone within the church, layman or clergy, could administer baptism.
  • Creeds can be counter-productive to teaching the scriptures.
  • Binding and loosing is the recognition of what is forbidden or permitted by Christ, and making proper application of it.
Scriptures Referenced
  • 1 Peter 2:5
  • James 5:16
  • 2 Thessalonians 2:10
  • 1 Peter 1:23
  • Acts 17:11
  • Acts 7:
  • Hebrews 4:16
  • 1 Corinthians 14:31
  • Acts 15:1-29
  • Matthew 18:15-18
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