More on WordPress

I played around more with WordPress in the last few days. I was able to get the page laid out better, customized much more to my liking. It appears that the index file, while php, isn’t that much different than the html index file used in Movable Type.

What I like the most about WordPress is that you don’t have to rebuild your site when you’ve made changes. With almost 700 entries, rebuilding can take a while. If you so much as delete a comment on one post, you have to rebuild all the posts and all the archives pages in Movable Type, while changing the main page you can get away with only rebuilding the main page.

I’m not done tweaking it yet, and have to play with importing my entries from this blog before I make the switch.

If/when I do make the switch, I plan to move the URL as well. The current URL will continue to work, but the original URL that I used up until the end of last June will no longer work. A few links on other sites still point to the old URL (I know the Evangelical Outpost still has the old URL – I’ve bugged Joe about it a few times and it still hasn’t changed, so I just let it be).

If you are uncertain which URL you are using, click on the logo on the top of the page and it will take you to the right URL.