The Black Horse of the Apocalypse

I changed my “Sermon of the Week” to “Recommended Sermon” as I’ve been slack the last few weeks in posting them, and don’t feel confident in my ability to get one up every week, as is implied.

The latest is one I’m only half done listening to (It’s not the first time I’ve listened to it though.) It’s by one of my favorites, Chuck Missler, and it’s called “Behold a Black Horse”. It’s part of a series called “The 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse”, which you can purchase here (also available on audio cassette and via mp3 download, see thier website for that).

This particular sermon on the Black Horseman deals with the current monetary system in America and throughout the world that is setting us up for the worldwide famine described in Revelation 6. If you want to understand how inflation works in fairly simple terms, listen to this sermon. Inflation is a deliberate result of our carefully manipulated economy, not a normal part of a healthy business cycle like we are all told. Chuck explains it well.

This is another two part sermon. You can get them on mp3 for free here:

*Note: If you listen to this sermon, like it, and want to hear the rest of the series, email me via the link at the bottom of the right column and I’ll let you know how to get the rest of the series for free (legally).