Consulate to Move

World Net Daily is reporting that the U.S. Government is planning to move it’s consulate in East Jerusalem to a new building in West Jerusalem. The thought is that the Israelis will eventually transfer that part of the city to the Palestinians.

In the article, it says that the existing consulate is in an Arab neighborhood in eastern Jerusalem. I have been there and didn’t know that it was an Arab neighborhood. I stayed at the YMCA Hotel, which is across the street from the famous King David Hotel, and is just up the street from the U.S. Consulate. I don’t see that land ever going to the Palestinians, as it lies between the Jewish domintated western Jerusalem and the Old City, in East Jerusalem. As a student of Bible prophecy, I believe that now that the Old City is in Jewish hands, it will never again be controlled by anyone else, except for a short period of time during the tribulation period when it will be controlled by the “Anti-christ”.

I believe the conulate should move though, but for different reasons. I believe that it should be moved to a much larger facility that should become the U.S. Embassy. In every nation on Earth, our embassies are in the nation’s capitals. That is, except for Israel, where our embassy is in Tel Aviv, for political reasons. It should be in Jerusalem, the capital. Keeping it in Tel Aviv is, in my opinion, a slap in the face to the nation of Israel.