This month I spoke with Eric Barger of “Take a Sand Ministries” on the subject of Freemasonry. Eric […]
Echo Zoe Radio
The occult is becoming increasingly commonplace in our society today, and Marcia Montenegro took some time to talk […]
For this month’s episode, I interviewed Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason on the subject of Islam. Alan […]
In the American Evangelical Church today, the words “speaking in tongues” provoke an automatic understanding heavily influenced by […]
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. – 2 Corinthians 11:13 […]
“The sacred and inspired scriptures are sufficient to declare truth” – Athanasius I am joined for the October […]
For the September episode, my friend Dick Kuffel, an elder at Twin City Fellowship in St. Louis Park, […]
Robert Bachtell is a friend and fellow member of our local church, Twin City Fellowship. He recently did […]
For the July 2011 episode of Echo Zoe Radio, I chatted with Scott Klusendorf, president of Life Training […]
For this episode of Echo Zoe Radio, I’m joined by Brett Kunkle, the Student Impact Director at Stand […]
For this episode Phil Johnson returns to discuss the Reformation doctrine of Sola Fide with me. Phil is the executive director of Grace to You, the tape and radio ministry that features the teachings of John MacArthur, a member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE), founder and blogger at Pyromaniacs, and curator of The Spurgeon Archive.
Topics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Phil explained Sola Fide, or "Faith Alone," as a respones to Roman Catholic doctrine, which blends justification and sanctification, and enslaves followers in a system of works-righteousness. Sola Fide declares that justification comes by faith alone, and is a one-time, instantaneous event, not an ongoing process.
- We are sanctified by faith, but not by faith alone, at least not in the same sense that we are justified by faith alone. The Arminian and Palagian misunderstanding of justification leads to a doctrine of perfectionism, which makes justification a process and sanctification an instantaneous event, rather than the other way around.
Christine Pack of Sola Sisters returns this month to talk about Universalism, Christian Universalism, and Rob Bell’s latest […]
My friend and ministry partner at Signet Ring Ministries joins me for his fifth episode with me. Our […]
For this month’s podcast episode, I spoke with Christine Pack, a former New Ager now Saved by Grace. […]
After two January episodes with Patrick Szalapski, he returns to do another "Essential" with us this month. This time it is the Doctrine of the Incarnation. We discussed this more briefly in episode 9 (January 2009) for the episode that covered seven "Essentials of the Christian Faith."
In October 2010, Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona was in town for the Signet Ring Ministries "Chosen" conference. The evening before the conference, I had the pleasure of sitting down with him to discuss Sola Gratia, as well as the topic of the conference: God's Sovereign Grace.
During the course of conversation, Dr. White explains Sola Gratia as a doctrine of the Reformation which was brought about to counter the Roman Catholic doctrine of Prevenient Grace. He then went on to describe Sovereign Grace from a Reformed perspective and contrasted it with "Free Grace." He gave his primary texts for support of the Sovereign Grace point of view: Titus 2, and 1 John. We discussed "moderate Calvinism", how it's a misnomer, as well as hyper-Calvinism. Dr. White then described some of the practical implications of coming to an understanding of Sovereign Grace. He also talked about works that he recommends on Election and Sovereign Grace. My favorite question was to ask how to explain these things to a three-year-old.
Mike Gendron is founder of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries, based in Dallas, Texas. Mike was a Roman Catholic […]
For this episode, I had the pleasure of talking to Erich Grieshaber, founder and President of Christ for […]
For this episode, Carl Johnson of Twin City Fellowship returns to talk about Dual Covenant Theology, the idea […]
Justin Peters first joined me back in November 2008 to talk about the Word-of-Faith Movement, also known as […]