I’ve enabled slightly stricter commenting here. Now, in order for your comment to show up immediately, you must have had a previously cleared comment. This will cut down on the recent surge of comment spam. If you’re a legitimate commenter that hasn’t commented before, your comment will be held in moderation until I approve it.
Thanks for understanding, and sorry for any inconvenience.
No Comments “Stricter Commenting”
Darn. Guess I’ll have to modify the spam robots…
Actually I’m seriously considering sicking the mail bombs and DDOS attacks on those bastards these days…
I think spamming should be a capital crime. Anyone with information leading to the arrest of a spammer should get a $250,000 reward.
It looks like I got my server running correctly now and it is once again emailing me when I get new comments. Since I upgraded my machine a few months ago, I haven’t been able to get emailing of comments to work. This will help me catch spam quicker too, not that any should get through any more. This will also help me get legit comments approved quicker, since I check my email far more often than I open the WordPress dashboard.
Poor guy. That’s been epidemic in the blogosphere lately. I’ve seen a few sites just give up and shut down altogether in the past few weeks.
[Edited] I posted twice and only the second comment showed up. Looks like more problems 🙁
I honestly think I get a lot less comment spam than the average blogger. I’ve just had a few dozen comments by “Anonymous” lately that appear in posts that are weeks or months old and have no links (odd). I’ve also gotten far fewer in the last several months than I did back in my Movable Type days. I think WordPress deals with it a lot better than MT does.
That said, I still get annoyed. All it takes is one ‘blackjack’ or ‘viagra’ comment and I want to start shooting.
Do you mean they shut down the blog, or the comments? Shutting down the blog because of comment spam seems like throwing the baby out with the bath water.