So I just get that last post written up and head out for lunch. I went over to Cub Foods, the local chain grocer. Their newest thing now is that you can now pay with your thumb. You put your checking account on file, and soon they’ll allow credit cards too. Then all you need to do from then on is scan your thumb print to pay and they automatically charge your checking account.
Talk about conditioning people to take a mark. This is insane!
You know, it doesn’t say that you will use the mark itself to buy or sell things, only that you won’t be able to buy or sell without it. What’s to say that your thumb print won’t be the mechanism which the payment system uses, but that your Beast account just won’t be activated until you take the mark?
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At this point I’d be a little more concerned about people lifting thumb prints or
even chopping each others thumbs off.
I heard a story like that a while ago. A guy in (I think ) Malaysia had a BMW that required a thumb print to start. Theives kidnapped him, cut his thumb off, and stole his car.
Finger Prints and RFID are technological events designed for good. We all know that when
begin to sour as the chaos of the End Times approach, the technology will be used to
track politically and religiously undesirebable individuals. When the Anti-Christ emerges
more than likely the technology will be used for the “mark.” The good news is the “mark” is a
voluntary issue. Certainly extortion of some sort will be used to convince a person to take
the “mark,” nonetheless a person has to agree to receive it.