Yesterday was a little rough for me. I started the day learning that a beloved brother-in-Christ died almost two weeks ago. Zola Levitt succumbed to his cancer and went to be with the Lord. I was saddened as though I knew him personally, though we have never met (yet). He was a great soldier for the Lord, and will be greatly missed.
After learning that, I headed off for my first day at my new job. It went relatively well. However, I do not do well with change at all, and a new job is a big change. By the end of the day, I had a lot of anxiety. There isn’t much I can do about it, I just have to get through it. The job is good though. Everyone was friendly, and I think this will be a good place to work. It’s through an employment agency with a 6 month contract, so it is easier to get out if it doesn’t work out (and easier for them to let me go too), though I hope that I can stick around for a while. I just hope I can get into some real work soon, yesterday had me just about screaming of boredom by the end of the day.
No Comments “An Up and Down Day”
All the best for success in the new employment gig!
Thanks Ogre!