Minneapolis has been in the national spotlight as of late. A large majority of the taxi cab drivers at the airport are Somali immigrants, and Muslim, and have been refusing to drive anyone who has alcohol in their possession. That’s right, if you are getting back from the Napa Valley and have a bottle of vino in your bag, you’re going to have to hitchhike because you aren’t getting a cab.
I see this as a problem, but not for the same reason as most of the Conservative talking heads. Dennis Prager is typical, believing that taxis are a public service, and that since possession of alcohol is not illegal, they should not be allowed to deny anyone a ride. I think they should. That’s what the Freedom of Association is. Muslim cab drivers have the right not to do business with me because I have alcohol in my possession. Likewise Christian cab drivers have the right to refuse to drive Muslims around.
The problem isn’t discrimination, or misuse of Religious Freedom. The problem is the limited number of licenses that are granted to cab companies, artificially restricting the supply of cabs. Minneapolis is not unique in this though.
The free market should take care of how many cabs are available at the airport, not the City of Minneapolis, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, or the State of Minnesota.
Open up the market as it should be, and the problem of Muslims refusing people will take care of itself. If I need a ride, and a cab driver asks if I have alcohol, I will say “no, but it doesn’t matter, I am taking my business elsewhere.�?
No Comments “Take the Train”
I missed this one earlier, but you’re right with me on this one. This absolutely would NOT be an issue if the city wasn’t in the business of determining how many taxis existed.