Ray Comfort & Co. have put up a new site aimed at hitting Hollywood where it hurts when they resort to blasphemy in movies. I don't tend to watch a lot of movies, but I like the idea. It's quite appalling to me that the Left, including Hollywood, will walk on eggshells when it comes to Islam, and treat Buddhism and Hinduism with respect, but have no problem spitting in the face of Christianity. So let's spit back. Don't pay to see the movies that blaspheme our Lord! It's best not to see them at all, but if you must see them at least don't pay – check the DVD out at the library or use a code for a free rental at redbox or something.
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No Comments “Vote With Your Dollars”
Thanks, that video really convicted me, especially when he asked if you would like someone using your mother’s name as profanity.
I had to laugh at the guy who said he wouldn’t necessarily be offended if his girlfriend’s name was used as a profanity in a movie, and she was standing right next to him aghast!
I’m sure he got an ear-full when he got home.