Saving People Money Isn’t Saving Their Souls

So the local Contemporary Christian Radio Station is running a gimmick encouraging people to go through the drive-thru on Friday and pay for the order of the person behind you in line. They even have a note pre-formatted that you can print off to give to the window clerk to pass along to that person:

You don’t know me but I’ve just paid for your order. No gimmicks – Just something I felt like doing. I heard about people doing things for others on the radio station KTIS at 98.5 on the dial. They call it “The Drive Thru Difference.” Maybe you’ll feel like doing it for someone else.

I hear that KTIS loves to share stories on the air. Their phone number is 651-631-5050.

I hope this encourages you today!!
The stranger in the car ahead of you

WHAT?!? This is an incredible marketing strategy for the radio station. Get your listeners to pay for your advertising! This is a “Christian” radio station run by Northwestern College and Seminary, a school started by Billy Graham. Shouldn’t a “Christian” radio station be more concerned with saving lost souls than running a gimmick to increase its listenership – at the expense of its listenership?

I propose that if you’re going to participate in something like this, you pass along a note that says something more like this:


I wanted to take the opportunity of being ahead of you in line to share the ultimate story of someone paying your price. The Bible says that “all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,” and “the wages of sin is death”. Sin is defined in the 10 commandments. If you have ever told a lie, you have broken the 9th commandment and are a liar. If you have ever stolen anything (regardless of value), you have broken the 8th commandment and are a theif. Jesus said “You have heard it said ‘thou shall not commit adultery,’ but I say if you have ever looked at a woman to lust after her, you have committed adultery with her in your heart.” Have you ever looked with lust?

The Bible also says that “all liars will have their part in the lake of fire,” and “no thief, no adulterer will inherit the kingdom of Heaven.” If you are like me, and every other red-blooded human being, you have sinned against a Holy and Righteous God, and deserve to spend eternity in Hell.

But there is hope! Jesus, the eternal son of God, who existed from all eternity as God and With God, became a man. While he was still a stranger to you, he came to Earth, lived a perfect and sinless life, and died on the cross to pay the penalty of your sin. I paid the price of your order to show you the love that Jesus paid by dying in your place.

Repent from your sins (turn from them and forsake them), and trust in the price that Jesus paid on your behalf and you will be saved. I pray that you will, and that we can talk about it in Heaven one day together!

The concerned stranger in the car ahead of you.

If you’re going to perform the petty and meaningless act of paying for someone else’s double cafe latte, do them the much greater service of telling them of the payment that was made for their sins!

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