Ryan Habbena: Pre-Wrath Rapture – Part 1

Christians with a pre-millenial, futurist view of eschatology differ on their views of the timing of the rapture of the church. The most common views are: Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, and Post-Trib, placing the rapture before, in the middle of, or after the 70th week of Daniel – commonly called “The Tribulation”. A fourth, distinct view of rapture places the rapture at some unknown time in the second half of the time known as Daniel's 70th Week.

Pastor Ryan Habbena of Twin City Fellowship church in St. Louis Park, Minnesota holds to the Pre-Wrath view of rapture. In this episode, he explains this view, and compares it to the pre-tribulation view that has been popularised by the best-selling “Left Behind” series of novels. As a Pre-Tribber, I also present Ryan with questions to better understand his view.

This episode is a bit longer than those we've done so far, so it has been split into two segments to accomodate those who may wish to burn it to CD. This is part one.

For part two, click here.


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