Eric Douma: John 1:1 & Titus 2:13

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:1

Pastor Eric Douma joins me this episode to discuss two theological rules used to prove the deity of Christ from two different verses of New Testament. The construction of John 1:1 in the original Greek disproves Sabellianism (Modalism) and Arianism (similar to what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach). Eric explains “Colwell's Rule” and how it reinforces the doctrine of the trinity through this verse.

looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus
Titus 2:13

While Colwell's Rule is effective in refuting the doctrine of the Modalists and Jehovah's Witnesses in John 1:1, Eric shares another rule that shows that the Bible teaches the deity of Christ in Titus 2:13, that is “Granville Sharp's Rule”.

This episode gets fairly technical with the Greek, and with the grammatical rules of these verses, but we also do our utmost to make sure that it is in terms that laymen can understand. I find teachings like this to be fascinating, and hope you will too.

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