Christopher Reeve died this past weekend. I mourn for people like Reeve. He came across as a great guy, with hardly a mean bone in his body. He seemed happy and hopeful in the years since his paralysis. I was bothered by his political involvement, trying to get taxpayer funds to be spent on spinal chord research, but don’t blame the guy. He truly hoped to walk again some day.
What makes me mourn the most is that I never once heard him profess a loving faith in Jesus Christ, who paid such a high price that he might live, and I fear that like so many people, his soul is forever lost.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God – Romans 3:23.
Life is so short and so precious. Take the time to evaluate yourself. We all transgress God’s law. We steal, we lie, we commit adultery (We ALL do – Matthew 5:28), we murder (Matthew 5:21-22). Just one transgression makes us worthy of hellfire, but we all do these things regularly. You can’t earn Heaven, and you can’t wipe out your bad deeds with your good. If you were to kill someone, no judge on Earth will forgive your crime because you do good things. How much more, God being a perfect Judge will punish us for our evil.
Trust in Jesus Christ, who went to Calvary’s cross to pay the penalty for your sin. He took God’s wrath so you don’t have to.
God has been withholding His judgment giving us time to repent and turn to him. Don’t think that because he hasn’t judged you that he must condone your behavior. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise [of judgment], as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9.)
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I was just getting into the conversation with someone earlier today about the sadness concerning the deaths of Christopher Reeve and the Astros player (the name refuses to come to mind right now). My only regret was the fact that I have no idea whether or not the two had accepted Christ as their saviour. Granted, Reeve did seem like a good person but I had no personal connection. Maybe it’s being so young and not really remembering him as Superman very well?
O, I don’t know. I just can’t feel remorse beyond a distant sadness for the loss of a life.
There have been many celebrity deaths lately, and it’s easy to respond as “that’s life” just as we would when we here that a stranger died. Each life is precious though, and to see the unrepentant pass into eternity without accepting the pardon for their sins that Christ payed so much to give them is said, no matter who it is.
I was young when the Superman movies came out too, and was sad when I learned of his accident nearly a decade ago. What brings sadness now is that he seemed so hopeful in his adversity, but to my knowledge never used the opportunity God gave him to stare his own mortality in the face and seek the Lord. He’ll never get that chance back.
It is my hope when I hear of any death that the deceased is in Heaven, but in such a wicked world I know that most aren’t. When you consider the deception that comes from Satan and the World, which brings the average person to hold out a false hope that they can bargain their way into eternity, evil takes on a disturbingly dark face. That there are beings in this world who delight in the eternal torment of another being is more evil than I can possibly comprehend.
For those who die in their sin, funerals are an especially sad occasion. I hope, though, that when I die my loved ones will celebrate. For those of us who are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, this life is the closest we will get to hell. While they mourn my passing, I will be rejoicing in my salvation.
For those who are not saved by the blood, this life is sadly the closest they will get to heaven.
If you say you’re a Christian, and believe in the true Gospel of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ, share that faith with as many as you can. For some, it may be the only chance they get to truely understand the gravity of their situation and accept the gift that will allow them to pass from death into life.
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