Open Letter to the Guy Who Copied My Text

You’ve got commenting turned off on your blog, so I can’t just post this there, but hope you read it.

I was not peeved at what you copied at all. It just made me realize that I need to be more up to snuff on the issue of copyright on my blog because it’s quite easy to copy and paste what I write. I think all bloggers should be aware of the ownership rights of their work, even if it’s as low-key as most blogs are.

I envoked “Creative Commons” not because I was peeved with you, but because I don’t want future writings that mean more to me than the generics that you copied to be stolen. In fact, if you want to repost what you had on your blog (without a link even), you have my permission, even though you didn’t ask for it.

As for the political differences, to each his own I guess. I don’t harbor hatred toward anyone, for any reason, and don’t subscribe to the “You don’t agree with me so you’re evil” mindest of so many in this world. I am on the Right side of the political spectrum and have strong views, but have friends who are practically Socialists. Our views don’t get in the way of our friendship. I also have friends who don’t share my faith in Jesus Christ, they’re still my friends. As far as not promoting my views, I’m not asking you to. On the other hand, as I said in the Copyright post yesterday, linking to someone you quote is good etiquitte, regardless of how you feel about their views. I can’t stand Michael Moore (notice I didn’t say anything about hating the guy), but if I were to quote his website, I’d link to it.

I meant no ill will by what I’ve written in this post or the previous one about Copyright, and harbor none for what you’ve written on your blog.

Oh, and I thank you greatly and genuinely for what you originally did to start this issue.

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