As Election Day quickly approaches, I’m starting to get some heat about my decision to vote for Michael Peroutka. Those who believe in the Boogie Man are clamoring to get me to change my mind and just vote for Bush. You have to or Kerry will win, and that would be the end of the world!!!! they say. I didn’t vote for him four years ago, and I am in no way going to vote for him on Tuesday.
Those who throw principle to the wind and vote for a leftist because he’s not as far to the left as his main opponent get more and more desperate for me to change my mind as we get closer. The fact is, I’m absolutely not an undecided voter. George Bush could come out tomorrow as promising on his life that he’d follow the Constitution Party platform to the letter and it would be too-little-too-late.
But a vote for x is the same as a vote for Kerry!! they cry. Well, considering that I wouldnt vote for either if they were both the only ones on the ballot, it doesnt really matter, does it? Thats just stupid. No one accuses those who stay home on Election Day of voting for the other guy, do they?
To those who accuse me of throwing away my vote, I say it is you who is throwing away a vote. Voting on principle, for exactly what I believe in is a much greater stand than trying to stop a BB with a chain link fence. Both parties are moving to the left. I will never vote for the guy moving there slower than the other guy, as he will get us there just the same.
No Comments “Get Off My Back”
Hey, you’re not alone! I’m with you all the way on this one — and I’ve got to write in his name on my ballot!