My fiancee just emailed me. She is getting a pop-up when she goes to my blog. Now, I either wrote or edited practically every character of code behind my site and I host my own site, so I am absolutely certain there is nothing there to launch pop-ups. I detest pop-ups with every fiber of my being, and would never employ them.
I know that one of the latest tricks that pop-up launchers employ is to disguise where they came from. You might pick up the code at one site, but the pop-up won’t launch until you go to a few more sites.
I’m just curious, if anyone gets a pop-up while at my blog, where is it sending you to? She was taken to a search engine that brings up Christian dating services. (Since we’re getting married a month from today, she doesn’t need that.)
No Comments “Pop-Ups?”
Has she run a spyware remover lately? Sounds like it could one of several different types.
Actually, she installed a screen saver on her computer a week or two ago that really screwed it up. It’s a work computer, and she didn’t tell anyone. She wants me to fix it after our wedding. I’ll have to run a spyware killer to clean it up.
I keep trying to get her to switch to Firefox, which would solve a ton of problems, but she likes the look of Internet Exploder, so she sticks with it.
FIrefox looks so much like IE layout wise, that most light uses never miss a thing (I know, preaching to the choir).
I’d bet big money (if either of us had it to loose) that she’s got spyware. A quick scan from Ad-Aware (my favorite) should do the trick. Redundancy police are here now, I gotta hide behind the sofa. Shhhhhhhh
No pop-ups here. And I use IE at work, competely unprotected. So if there were popups, I’d be seeing them, I’d thinK!