Still Shopping at Target

A lot of people have their panties in a bunch this year about Target’s decision to remove the exception to their no solicitation rule for the Salvation Army. I, for one, have no problem with it. I salute the salvation army for their charitable work, but the fact that they are no longer standing in front of Target stores is not a reason for me to stop shopping at Target. What it says to me is “We at Target already give 5% of every purchase to charity, we are no longer going to have our customers get hit up for more on their way into/out of our stores.” I don’t see it as an anti-Christian move at all. I see it as a consistent policy.

What bothers me far more are the stores that refuse to acknowledge the very holiday they are trying to make huge profits from. Over 90% of Americans celebrate Christmas, and exchange gifts as part of that celebration. To deny any mention of it because it is Christian is absurd. I would not be offended if someone said “Happy Hanukkah” to me, and I don’t understand why people go out of their way to be offended by the greeting “Merry Christmas”. Even if you’re someone in the less than 10% of Americans that don’t celebrate Christmas, I don’t see how being wished a good day is offensive. I for one have taken to wishing everyone who uses the word “Holidays” a Merry Christmas. No one has taken offense to me yet.

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