
I just thought I’d update what I’m up to lately. I had a great Christmas. I hope all of you did too. It was the first time I had to split my Christmas between my family and that of a significant other. We spent Christmas Eve day and the day before at my family’s place and the evening of Christmas Eve and most of Christmas day at my fiancée’s parents’ house. It was a good time at both.

I have this whole week off from work, but am very busy nonetheless. Our wedding is a mere four days away at this point and there is a lot left to do. Needless to say, I’d be surprised if I can find time to post again before I get back from my honeymoon. I put up “My Utmost” and “Notable Quotable” posts through the 1st, which will post automatically at 7:00 and 7:02 a.m. respectively every morning through Saturday.

Thank you to those of you who wished me a Merry Christmas, whether by the comments sections or by email. I hope you all had a great Christmas as well, and that you all have a wonderful New Year too!

I’ll be back in the saddle on January 10th, and hopefully will have time to post a few things once we return and get back to work.

In case you’re wondering what we’re doing for our honeymoon, it’s no secret, so I would be happy to tell. We live in a first ring suburb of Minneapolis and will be heading North where we are renting a cabin on a lake along the border with Ontario. We’ll be relaxing in front of a wood burning fireplace and a TV watching movies. We also plan to do some dog sledding and a little snowmobiling. It won’t be a warm place to go, and is costing more than a trip to Mexico or the Caribbean, but it will be QUIET!!! She won’t have to worry about clients bugging her and our cell phones won’t work (the place is about 50 miles from Grand Marais, the nearest town and the nearest cell tower.)

God Bless you all and Happy New Year!!

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