Ten Bad Arguments

It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Recommended Sermon. This one is good for sharing your faith. It’s not so much arguments for faith, but rather responses to typical counter-arguments. It’s by Greg Koukl, of “Stand to Reason”, and it’s called Ten Bad Arguments

My favorite is the argument that “There is no absolute truth.” I laugh when I hear that one myself, if there is no absolute truth, than the statement “there is no absolute truth” must not be true.

Koukl does a good job of tackling arguments heard in academic settings, as they can be the most intimidating. I almost wish I had the time and money to take college courses just so I can argue with secularist/relativist/atheist professors and develop the skills to utterly embarrass them in front of their classes.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, you can download it here.

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