It’s been a while since I’ve posted a Recommended Sermon. This one is good for sharing your faith. It’s not so much arguments for faith, but rather responses to typical counter-arguments. It’s by Greg Koukl, of “Stand to Reason”, and it’s called Ten Bad Arguments
My favorite is the argument that “There is no absolute truth.” I laugh when I hear that one myself, if there is no absolute truth, than the statement “there is no absolute truth” must not be true.
Koukl does a good job of tackling arguments heard in academic settings, as they can be the most intimidating. I almost wish I had the time and money to take college courses just so I can argue with secularist/relativist/atheist professors and develop the skills to utterly embarrass them in front of their classes.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it, you can download it here.
No Comments “Ten Bad Arguments”
Koukl is awesome. I met Steve Wagner of “Stand to Reason” fame last summer at a Justice for All event (they put up the huge pro-life exhibits on university campuses).
Relativists are indeed fun to corner in their contrivances, but in my experience the whole point of their ideology is conveniently adapting their beliefs to suit what they *want* to be true. So disproving them doesn’t do a whole lot of good. They already know what they want to be true. They will just find different reasons to believe it.