I haven’t written much about the current fight to save Terri Schiavo’s life. The blogophere and talk radio is saturated with it. I do pray that she will come through in the end, as she did in 2003. I think it is absolutely disgusting that without a written and signed wish to be taken off life support by Terri herself from before the incident that caused her current condition that there would even be considerations to order the removal of her feeding tube by the courts. I believe life is sacred, and that it should be saved at all costs. I respect the wishes of those who disagree with me and would want their own life ended if they were in a situation similar to or worse that Terri’s. I would not “pull the plug” for anyone without prior consent from that person, in writing, though.
God has already done great miracles over the years to save her life. I pray that He will continue to do so, and I am confident that He will.
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Pray? Why bother?
Religion is a lie. The Bible is fiction. There is no God.
People can kid themselves that there is of course. If it makes’em happy.
In 100 years, if we’re allowed to communicate with each other, I’ll ask you if you still fell that way. I pray that your heart will be changed before it’s too late.