A few nights ago, I had some “Latter day Saints” come to my door. They asked if they could come back to talk sometime and I agreed. I am not certain how I will go about sharing the true Gospel with them, but it will be shared. It will be an experiment to see for myself if I go right to the law, or if I need to attack the foundation of their false theology first.
I’m wondering, does anyone know any really good internet resources for witnessing to Mormons?
One thing I really like about this is that I don’t even really need to do anything in this case to share the Gospel. They came right to my door, literally!
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I once had a great conversation with a couple of them. I discovered that they still practice the Aaronic preisthood. I showed them how the Melchezidek preisthood was suprerior to it (Hebrews) and in fact superceded it. They ended up going back to their elders who didn’t have an answer for them right away. Unfortunately, I ended up moving before the conversation could be finished. I believe I was on the right track with them though.
That’s interesting. I found a few sermons about Mormons. One was by Walter Martin, and others were by former Mormons. They seemed to suggest that the Mormons rely pretty heavily on the concept of the Melchezidek preisthood. They claim to have it, and claim that it is where they get their spiritual authority. Strange that they wouldn’t have known that.
Did you get some kind of sales pitch when you talked to them? Walter Martin talked about something called a Flannel board(?).
i found it last month, two days *after* i needed it…
I was going to suggest CARM, but then, you already link to that. Other than that, the only relavent web resources I can think of are also all helpfully linked to by CARM (irr.org and all that).
My suggestion is not necessarily to haggle with their beliefs (though that has its place) but to argue why you believe what they do even more. For example, they believe in a God loving enough to send a sacrifice to save them. You believe in that, but you believe that God was so loving that he sent *himself* whereas they believe he sent someone else. They believe Christ was sent to fulfill God’s purpose, but you believe that he *actually did it* whereas they believe he failed where Joseph Smith succeeded.
Thanks for the link Hatless. I will definitly make good use of it.
Thanks also SoCF. I had been considering that all I would need to do to show them that they absolutely would never get me to become a Mormon is show them Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (how to spot a false prophet) and show them that old Joe Smith fits the bill, then go into the law, and how Jesus fulfilled it on our behalf. The hope would be that they’d see the light and flee the darkness of Mormonism. So I agree that haggling with their belief isn’t necessarily the best course of action.
there is a lot of mormom info here: