God Keeps Providing

I am just praising God today. My career has been a rough ride since graduating from college in May of 2001. I’m on my fourth job, and have spent about half my time in “the real world” unemployed. My first two jobs lasted less than three months each, my third was six months, and praise God, my current job has given me thirteen months and counting. What’s exciting for me today is that I got my first real bonus. Last year I got a bonus equal to about two day’s salary as a nice gesture, having been there about a month at the time. This year I got a raise about two months ago, and the bonus I got today was 33% larger than my raise!!

What’s more, I feel that both my raise and my bonus were undeserved. I’m in a very low level position, and basically do spill-over work that my boss needs done. I haven’t gotten to the point where I am designing projects or doing the brunt of the work on any projects. On top of that, I’ve had a lot of unbilled time over the course of the year. If my boss is out of the office for even a day, I end up with little or nothing to do. I never know when he may have a meeting with a client in a town far enough away as to keep him out of the office for the entire day, so I can’t really prepare. If he thinks of it, he’ll try to give me enough work to keep me busy while he’s gone.

This job and the preceding year of unemployment has really taught me that God really is our Provider. He has taken jobs from me when I have been busy enough to not have seen a layoff coming, and he has sustained my employment when I’ve had little to do. I really praise Him for every day of employment (no matter how much I want to stay home and sleep in or play X-Box) and every paycheck.

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