Will it Last?

The Conservative media is buzzing today about the elections yesterday in Iraq. I’m happy for Iraq that they are now able to select their own leader, rather than being ruled by the guy who has the most guns. I’m skeptical, however that it will last. Turkey, the only “democracy” in the Muslim world, has shown that the only way Islam and “democracy” work together is if the military ensures that Islam will not vote democracy out of existence. Left to itself, Muslims will always vote in a tyrant.

I should note that, in all fairness to Islam, all democracies eventually vote in tyrants. Democracy is not a stable form of government, it is only a transitional form of government. It usually is the intermediary between a free Republic (which the U.S. is supposed to be) and an oligarchy.

I predict that Iraq will quickly find itself in the position of being a dictatorship once again shortly after our troops pull out. The only way I see it remaining “free”, is if our troops never pull out.

I hope I’m wrong.