Zoe Mail

From my inbox:

I noticed that you have a little “are you good enough to go to heaven” test. How dare you as a Christian, consider your self worthy as to judge others. Shall I quote what the bible says about judging others? Rev. doe

Where do I start? First of all, it seems clear to me that Mr. Doe did not bother to click on the link. He decided that he would judge me for having the link first, before getting the whole story. They have a word for that ….

It’s quite clear to me, despite signing his name “Rev.”, that this person is not a Christian, and has never read the Bible. When all you know of the Bible is what you hear Oprah recite time and again, you’re not exactly in the position to be throwing scripture at those who have read it, and make it their personal duty to understand it. You see, Mr. Doe, The same Jesus who said “Judge not, that ye be not judged” (Matthew 7:1) Also said: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Matthew 16:15). If you feel judged because I have placed a link on my site as a small measure of preaching the Gospel to every creature, it is not I who has judged you. Your own conscience knows that you are not good enough to get to Heaven and has convicted you already. That you would rush to judge me for a link you did not bother to click, rather than examine yourself only testifies that your conscience is at work and you don’t like it.

Click the link, take the test. You just might learn something. Jumping all over me for having the link won’t save you on Judgement Day. Taking the test and heeding the results just might.

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