I have yet to win an award for my blog, but I did get my first honorable mention.
Challies dot Com has given me honorable mention in the First Annual Christian Blogosphere Awards of Demerit. The category: Worst Use of A Foreign Language.
Vox Day once mentioned me in his own awards (comment section only) as “Most Egregious Use of the Greek Alphabet”.
Challies is annoyed that the Greek character set in my blog title shows up really crappy on blogrolls. Boo-hoo I guess. It got me an honorable mention, it must be worth something.
Maybe next time I’ll get the award.
Challies disclaims
(Please take these awards in the spirit they are intended – a spirit of humor and deliberate exaggeration. It’s supposed to be funny. I take full responsibility for any lack of humor.)
And that’s how it was taken; with humor, without offense.
No Comments “Honorable Mention”
Good work. Bad enough to get ridiculed, but not quite good enough for props and ridicule. Better luck next time.